Rick outlines the elements of truly balanced local assessment systems; that is, systems that meet the information needs of all assessment users/instructional decision makers from the classroom to the boardroom.
Comparing Formative and Summative Assessment
Both applications serve important purposes, but those purposes are different. One seeks to help students learn more while the other serves to certify level of attainment.
Research On Formative Assessment
Rick begins the video series with brief definitions of assessment in general and formative assessment in particular; that is, the use of classroom assessment practices to support student learning success.
About Rick and the ATI History
For those who are interested, I prepared a brief history of how ATI came into existence. Here’s our story. FYI, the picture of me and Nancy was taken in the empty room in our house the day ATI was created. The wording on the pat they are holding in the picture says, “An Idea is Born!”…
MAC Reads Webinar
I recently gave a webinar for MAC reads about the importance of student assessment – click though to watch it!
Journey to a New Vision of Excellence in Assessment – Webinar
Join Dr. Rick Stiggins in a free webinar, where he’ll describe a system of balanced assessment that can serve the information needs of all users, from students to district administrators.
AACTE Assessment Training Report
My notes from the February conference on student assessment in Atlanta, GA.
Assessment Literacy At Work In Hazelwood School District
I recently received a letter from Grayling Tobias, the Superintendent of Hazelwood School District, regarding the improvement he’s seen in his district by adopting our Assessment Literacy principles. I asked him if I could publish his letter, as I feel other school districts would benefit from his experience. He graciously gave his consent. Here is that letter.
Improve Assessment Literacy Outside of Schools Too
The article containing the Students’ Bill of Assessment Rights is out! The article title is “Improve Assessment Literacy Outside of Schools Too” and it appears in the October 2014 issue of the Phi Delta KAPPAN (volume 96, issue number 3, pages 67-72).
Michigan State Interview
After my presentation at MSU in May, I was filmed for a quick sit down to discuss the role of assessment in school.
A Fortunate Man
I saw this video on YouTube a little while ago, and I asked my friend and colleague Ken O’Connor if it would be OK to post it on my site. Not only did he say “yes”, but he sent these kind words to accompany it.
The Emotional Dynamic of Student Assessment for Learning
Assessment for learning turns assessment into a teaching and learning process that enhances (instead of merely monitoring) student learning. Extensive research conducted around the world shows that by consistently applying the principles of assessment for learning, we can produce impressive gains in student achievement, especially for struggling learners.